“To win the entire world for the Immaculata and, through her, for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.” - St. Maximilian Kolbe
Consecration to Mary

Day Three (October 9): Sharing in the Mission of the Immaculata

The Novena starts on October 7, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, also known as Our Lady of Victory,
and ends on October 15.
For each day of the Novena, there is a quote from The Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe and a short
On October 16, the anniversary of the founding of the MI, MI members are encouraged to renew their
consecration to the Immaculata, using the prayer composed by St. Maximilian.

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A Reading from the Writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe

KW 1220

The aim of the Militia of the Immaculata is self-commitment to the endeavor for the conversion of sinners, heretics, schismatics, Jews…, but above all Freemasons, and to the work for the sanctification of all under the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculata. In these few words are contained the need for a spiritual life among those who have a hostile attitude to Christ, and also the urgency for apostolic activity among those who distance themselves from God by committing grave sin.
The Militia of the Immaculata, however, is not limited only to this sector of activity.
It leads the formation of man further beyond till it makes him reach complete self-fulfillment. The goal of the MI (the abbreviation comes from the Latin Militia Immaculatae, or Militia of the Immaculata) is, in fact, to make sure that all become saints. In all this activity, what strikes the eye most of all is its Marian thrust. This is a consequence of a precise understanding of the mission of the Immaculata. Strictly speaking, the aim of the Militia of the Immaculata is the goal of the Immaculata herself. She, in fact, as Co-redemptrix, desires to extend to all humanity the fruits of the redemption brought about by her Son; she does all she can to win for Christ the heretics, schismatics, Freemasons, Jews, and so on. The single desire of the Immaculata is to raise the level of our spiritual life to the summits of holiness.


Holy Spirit of Truth and Love, I thank You for having inspired St. Maximilian Kolbe to start the Militia of the Immaculata movement in our time to be an instrument of Our Lady’s maternal presence for the transformation of the world according to the Gospel. Lead me and all MI members to be firmly rooted in the Lord through prayer and the sacraments, to be totally consecrated to the Immaculata and to persevere in striving for holiness following her invitation, “Do whatever He tells you.” 
With Your grace and her guidance, make us willing to witness to the Truth and sacrificial love, with the humble boldness of St. Maximilian. Give us courage to speak up for the sacredness of the life of every human being, for the family according to God’s plan, for religious freedom, and for all that can lead each person to eternal life in Heaven. Inspire us to make Our Lady known and loved that she may win each soul for her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ who, with You and the Heavenly Father, is God for ever and ever. Amen.