The Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe

The Martyr of Charity, St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe (1894-1941), before his death in the Auschwitz concentration camp, had a full and fruitful life. The Polish-born Franciscan Friar had spent the previous twenty-three years as a priest, evangelizer, media mogul, social commentator, missionary and religious reformer. His life’s work cut short at age 47, St. Kolbe nonetheless left behind an impressive body of writings. In the 1950s the English-speaking world first began reading bits and pieces of those writings translated from the original Polish, Italian, and Latin. Now, at long last, devotees and scholars alike can find the entire wide-ranging array of those writings collected together in a two-volume compendium, published by Nerbini International.
Hardcover Version available from Please call 847-367-7800
Kindle Versions Available – Digital e-Book
Volume I “Letters”
Volume II “Various Writings”
Nook e-Book Versions available at
Nook Volume I “Letters”
Nook Volume II “Various Writings”
***Dive in Search of Pearls: Introduction to The Writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe
Antonella Di Piazza, FKMI, general editor of The Writings of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, facilitates an online four-session series on St. Maximilian’s Writings: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
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