What is an MI Village?
In his letter to Fr. Florian Koziura on December 2, 1931, Saint Maximilian Kolbe discusses the future of the MI and says:
“Being that we must conquer the entire world and every single soul and keep watch so that no one in the future can take the Immaculata’s banner from the souls that there are now and that will be in the future, it is clear that an organization will also be necessary. Therefore I imagine that eventually there will no longer be a soul anywhere that does not wear the Miraculous Medal around their neck and does not belong to the MI-1 (according to the registration card). Moreover, an MI-2 group [village] will spring up in every location.” (The Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, n. 382)
In a Village those who have consecrated themselves to Jesus through His mother Mary will come together, as the Apostles in the Upper Room did and, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, continue to pray/praise, learn and give thanks to God. Not singularly but with others who wish to consecrate themselves whole-heartedly—a community of souls committed to a common effort. An MI Village is both a prayer and apostolic group of the faithful inspired by, and meeting under the patronage of, St. Maximilian Kolbe, whom St. John Paul II called “A sign and prophet of the new era, the civilization of love.”
If you are an enrolled member of the MI and Our Lady is inspiring you to start a Village in your area, please contact the MI National Center at MINational@MissionImmaculata.com to find out more about the steps to be taken. Approved applicants will receive an MI VILLAGE KIT.
Your MI Village Kit Includes
- Welcome Letter from the MI National Office
- MI Village Registration Form
- How to Conduct an MI Village Meeting
- MI Village Moderator Meeting Log
- MI Rite of Total Consecration to the Immaculata
- MI Consecration/Enrollment Sign-up Form
- Annual Report Form
- Contribution Envelopes
MI Resources
- Booklet Behold Your Mother! The Path to Total Consecration to Our Lady in the Spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe
- Essential Components of Every MI Program
- MI General Statutes
- MI Monthly Newsletter (please download current issue from the website)
- St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Rule of Life and The Immaculata Is Yours – You are Hers
- Praying with the Word of God: Lectio Divina with Mary
(for personal or group use) - MI Brochures*
- Miraculous Medal Card and Medal*
- MI Monthly Intentions Leaflet*
*These MI resources can be ordered from the MI National Center.
Request copies for your apostolate from the MI National Center: MINational@MissionImmaculata.com