How to Prepare for Consecration to Mary in the Militia of the Immaculata

The booklet Behold Your Mother: The Path to Total Consecration to Our Lady in the Spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe may be used in various ways: individually or as a group activity (in a parish setting, for example), or as a series of classes led by a facilitator, or during a day of preparation for MI consecration.
While St. Maximilian Kolbe did not indicate a specific format, if you wish to use a 9-day plan to prepare for consecration to Our Lady, click here. If you prefer to use a 33-day format, click here.
Click Here for information about ordering the Behold Your Mother! Booklet
*The booklet is available also in Spanish.
If unable to order the booklet, please enjoy the PDF to prepare for your consecration. The booklet is covered by Copyright and may not be printed and reproduced.
The booklet is available in Audiobook format as well, click here.
You may also add the Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception with St. Maximilian Kolbe or request a copy of the Novenas booklet.