Now That You Are Consecrated
- DEEPEN YOUR OWN CONSECRATION: St. Maximilian said there are three “fronts of action” to more effectively “win the world for the Immaculata.” We must conquer ourselves, then those around us – family, friends, co-workers, etc. and finally the entire world with the Gospel message. But to win victory on the first front, over our own weakness of will and attraction to sin, we must cultivate our spiritual lives. Continual interior conversion is the seedbed of apostolic activity which will bring about real fruitfulness in the vineyard. How do we as MI members deepen our spiritual lives and strengthen our total consecration to Mary? Here are some suggestions:
- Attend daily Mass, if possible, the “source and summit” of the Church’s life and activity;
- Regularly participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, monthly if possible;
- Spend time in adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament;
- Pray the Rosary, individually or in a group or family setting;
- Spend quiet time with the Lord each and every day (start with 15 minutes);
- Read Scripture, especially the New Testament, to know Christ better;
- Read good Catholic spiritual literature and subscribe to solid Catholic resources;
- Study Pope St. John Paul II’s teachings and the Catechism of the Catholic Church;
- Delve into The Writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe;
- For spiritual support, join a small prayer group in your parish or among like-minded friends.
- PROMOTE MARIAN CONSECRATION: The only way for a movement to grow is when its members reach out and invite others to join. We need to extend the invitation to join the MI to our family, friends, co-workers, fellow parishioners and whomever we meet. Why not order quantities of the “Be Consecrated to Mary in the Militia of the Immaculata” brochure to distribute? Write to to order.
- PASS OUT MIRACULOUS MEDALS: St. Maximilian called this Catholic sacramental a “bullet” of supernatural grace. He encouraged MIs to share this gift from Our Lady to sow the seeds of conversion and sanctification (wearing it ourselves in faith protects and empowers our own consecration). Why not use this tool of catechesis, which encapsulates the Church’s teaching about Mary, to introduce others to the Immaculata? Carry them in your pocket, purse or briefcase. To order a supply of Miraculous Medals to distribute and the Miraculous Medal brochure write to
- PROMOTE THE KNIGHTS AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS (KFC): St. Maximilian considered MI members who are experiencing suffering of any kind as the “spiritual vanguard” of the movement, a powerful army of prayer. By their KFC consecration these MI members, afflicted with sufferings large and small, generate untold graces as they link their trials with those of our Lord Jesus Christ in an act of “redemptive suffering.” Why not promote the KFC among the aged, disabled, sick and all those who embrace the Cross? Visit nursing homes, hospitals, hospices and whomever may wish to participate in this valuable ministry. Write to to order KFC brochures.
- FORM A “VILLAGE OF THE IMMACULATA” – MI GROUP: By gathering MIs together in small groups of spiritual solidarity, we can help bring about the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. To inquire about how to start an MI Village, please write to
- UNITE WITH MI MEMBERS IN DAILY RENEWAL OF YOUR MARIAN CONSECRATION AND REFLECTION: Unite yourself with your MI Family while petitioning the intercession of the Immaculata, month by month, throughout the year, through the MI Monthly Intentions. Sign up for the Daily Kolbe Emails the MI Monthly e-publication, The Knight of the Immaculata.
- ENCOURAGE PARISH CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATA. As Mother of the Church, she brings purity of faith and unity among its members, her children. Why not approach your pastor and propose that your parish make a formal act of total consecration to Our Lady? The booklet Behold Your Mother! (available in English and Spanish) may be used effectively in a parish setting. Contact Us for more information.